BBAuthors: Abd-El-Khair, Hassan; Advisor: -; Participants: El-Nagdi, Wafaa M. A. (2021)
The dry powder of pomegranate peel (as the rate of 10 g/1 kg soil)highly reduced the Fusarium- disease assessments (pre-emergence and post-emergence damping-off and root-rot diseases incidence), followed by spearmint leaves, caraway seeds, fennel seeds, garlic gloves and onion bulbs, respectively. The tested dry powder of plant species showed the nematicidal activity on M. incognita criteria, i.e. second juvenile (J2) in soil and roots as well as galls and egg-masses in roots of pea. The spearmint leaves, onion bulbs and fennel seeds highly reduced the J2 in soil and roots as well as galls and egg-masses. The pea plant growth parameters i.e. length of shoot, fresh & dry weights of sho...