Browsing by Author Denager, T.

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  • Authors: Denager, T.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: Looms, M.C.; Sonnenborg, T.O.; Jensen, K.H. (2020)

  • Evapotranspiration from eddy covariance (ETEC) is cross‐checked with evapotranspiration calculated as the residual of the water balance (ETwb). The water balance closure using ETEC is simultaneously validated. Over a 6‐yr period, all major terms of the water balance are measured including precipitation, recharge from percolation lysimeters, and soil moisture content from a cosmic‐ray neutron sensor, a capacitance sensor network, and time domain reflectometry (TDR), respectively. In addition, we estimate their respective uncertainties. The study demonstrates that both monthly and yearly ETEC and ETwb compare well and that the water balance is closed when ETEC is used. Concurrently, inc...