Browsing by Author Zaazou, Mohamed Hussein Abdelfattah

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  • Authors: Ismail, Amira Galal;  Advisor: -;  Participants: Zaazou, Mohamed Hussein Abdelfattah; Galal, Manar; Kamel, Nada Omar Mostafa; Nassar, Mohamed Abdulla (2019)

  • ProTaper Next® revealed higher flexibility than WaveOne Gold® when exposed to cantilever bending but showed higher stress accumulation than WOG. In terms of torsional resistance, PTN also revealed higher torsional resistance than WOG. The geometry of the instrument, thermomechanical treatment of the alloy, and its composition affect the mechanical behavior (bending and torsion) of nickel titanium rotary files. Hence, being aware of these behavioral differences, each clinician will be able to use the adequate file according to the clinical situation in addition to the manufacturer’s instructions.