Browsing by Author Zaher, F.A.

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  • Authors: El-Hamidi, M.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: Zaher, F.A. (2018)

  • This article throws a light on the recent situation of oilseed as well as vegetable oil production in the world referring to those in Egypt. Over the last 30 years, the oil crop production in the world increased 240%, while the increase in area and in yield was 82 and 48%, respectively. The main oilseed produced in the world is the soybean whereby it represents more than 50% of total oil crop production in the world. Most common oilseed types which are currently available in the world are categorized in this article according to the suitability for their oils for human consumption and whether they are considered as a source of some functional ingredients. Oils which are suitable for h...