Browsing by Subject Cadastre

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  • BB

  • Authors: Ghawana, Tarun;  Advisor: -;  Participants: - (2016)

  • Land administration research regularly links to other disciplinary areas for inspiration, invention, and alternative solutions: concepts from outside the study area can help to look at older problems in a new light. With this paper, we follow this trend and introduce the ‘Knowledge Innovation Value Chain Model’ (KIVCM) as a tool to support implementable and scalable land administration research. The idea is to make land administration R&D more visible to key stakeholders, and more innovation-oriented so as to enhance its applicability. As such, the model proposed by Allen et al (2008) is adapted. The model shows how scientific research can be developed from foundation R&D through to t...

  • BB

  • Authors: Vos, J.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: - (2017)

  • In this paper the possible use of blockchain technology in Land Administration is described, with an overview ofsome recent developments in the field of blockchain technology - e.g. technical maturity, (hard) forks) and Governance. The relationship between Person(s), Right(s) and Object(s) in a Land Administration system is the basis for the definition of required functionality, given the complexity within these three elements: identity of a person, legal diversity ('bundle of rights') and the diversity in objects (including the possible use of ‘bitsquares’). The paper analyses if some of the principles of Good Governance in Land Administration (transparency, accountability, security,...

  • BB

  • Authors: Luo, Xianghuan;  Advisor: -;  Participants: - (2015)

  • Cadastre 2014 is a unique phenomenon in the land administration domain. Its striking simplicity enables it to speak to policy makers, managers and technicians alike. It enjoys an almost unprecedented role in guiding global land administration discourse, and has done so for almost two decades. In countless countries its impact upon land administration system design is profound. The previous sections of this book reflected on these achievements. Kaufmann and Steudler’s (1998) date of inspiration for Cadastre 2014 arrives. The land administration community pauses for reflection, but also gazes forward. Does Cadastre 2014 remain relevant? What about the decade ahead? Is a new Cadastre 201...

  • BC

  • Authors: Steudler, D.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: - (2014)

  • Report introduces about The Cadastre 2014 journey; review and impact of the six statements of Cadastre 2014; developments out of Cadastre 2014 internationally and in switzerland in particular ; case studies from newly renovated land administration systems in the emerging economies; a case study from South Korea; LADM and its role in establishing cadastral systems; from CADASTRE to land governance.

  • LT

  • Authors: Bennett, R.M.; Alemie, B.K.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: - (2015)

  • This research aims to develop a conceptual model that is: 1) more neutral on positive and negative linkages between cadastresand land governance, 2) more inclusive of the spatial component; and 3) demonstrates the typesof land governance acrossa continuum by integratingthe inputs, processes, cadastral influences, and spatial outputsof land governance.

  • BB

  • Authors: Lemmen, C.H.J.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: - (2017)

  • The paper describes the ongoing developments and standardisation in land administration. Standards are relevant in relation to build as well as maintain and develop a land administration. Standards like the ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) are helping to jump-start new initiatives and are connecting top-down and bottom-up projects together. The LADM facilitates the efficient set-up of land administration and can function as the core of any land administration system. LADM is flexible, widely applicable and functions as a central source of state-of-the-art international knowledge on this topic. Some future trends in the domain and the maintenance of the standard are pr...

  • BB

  • Authors: Dijkstra, P.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: - (2017)

  • In Nepal, the drive to ignite Fit For Purpose (FFP) Land Administration gained importance following two important events: The earthquakes in 2015 and the promulgation of a new Constitution in 2015. During the severe earthquakes (EQ) 8790 people died, more than 100,000 people were displaced and some 769.000 structures were destroyed. The promulgation of a new Constitution proposes the state to restructure into a federal structure with land administration services split into central, state and local government entities. Land is an important issue underlying many of the reconstruction challenges. Shelter needs to be provided for the affected population, either temporary or permanent. Inf...

  • BB

  • Authors: Koeva M.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: Crommelinck S.; Stöcker C.; Crompvoets J. (2018.)

  • The project consists of a four-year work plan, €3.9M funding, and eight consortium partners collaborating with stakeholders from different case study locations in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Rwanda that cover different land uses such as urban, peri-urban, rural smallholder, and (former) pastoralists. Major technical tasks include tool development, prototyping, and demonstration for local, national, regional, and international interest groups. However, equal emphasis is placed on needs assessment, as well as governance, capacity and business modelling.