Item Infomation

Title: Lectures Calculus 1 = Bài giảng môn Giải tích 1
Authors: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Contents: Lecture 1: The Idea of Limits - Definition and Rules of Limits; Lecture 2: One-sided Limits and Limits at infinity - Infinite Limits; Lecture 3: Continuity; Lecture 4: Tangents and derivatives; Lecture 5: The derivative as a function - Differentiation Rules; Lecture 6: The derivative as a Rate of change - Derivative of Trigonometric - The Chain Rule; Lecture 7: Implicit Differentiation Related rates; Lecture 8: Extreme values of functions; Lecture 9: The Mean value Theorem - First derivative test - Concavity Applied Optimization. L’Hospital’s Rule; Lecture 10: Antiderivatives - Sigma Notation; Lecture 11: The Definite Integral.
Appears in Collections:BG - Toán-Lý-Hóa




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