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Danh sách kết quả tìm kiếm tài liệu từ 1 đến 2 trong 2 tài liệu phù hợp.
Tài liệu phù hợp với tiêu chí tìm kiếm:
  • LA

  • Tác giả: Su, Z. ; Dente, L.;  Người hướng dẫn: -;  Người tham gia: - (2016)

  • Thesis includes a description of the soil moisture monitoring networks set up in these regions and a detailed analysis of the collected datasets; the soil moisture products obtained from AMSR‐E and the relative soil wetness index products retrieved from ASCAT are validated for the Maqu region; the SMOS soil moisture products are validated for both the Maqu and the Twente regions; The seasonal behaviour, the anomalies behaviour and the autocorrelation of AMSR‐E soil moisture and ERS relative soil wetness index are analysed.

  • BB

  • Tác giả: Manfreda, S.;  Người hướng dẫn: -;  Người tham gia: McCabe, M. F.; Miller, P. E.; Lucas, R.; Madrigal, V. P. (2018)

  • In this context, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have considerable potential to radically improve environmental monitoring. UAS-mounted sensors offer an extraordinary opportunity to bridge the existing gap between field observations and traditional air- and space-borne remote sensing, by providing high spatial detail over relatively large areas in a cost-effective way and an entirely new capacity for enhanced temporal retrieval. As well as showcasing recent advances in the field, there is also a need to identify and understand the potential limitations of UAS technology. For these platforms to reach their monitoring potential, a wide spectrum of unresolved issues and application-specific challenges require focused community attention. Indeed, to leverage the full potential of UAS-base...

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