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  • Tác giả: Alimi, R.;  Người hướng dẫn: -;  Người tham gia: Ivry, A.; Fisher, E.; Weiss, E. (2019)

  • Modern magnetic sensor arrays conventionally use state-of-the-art low-power magnetometers such as parallel and orthogonal fluxgates. Low-power fluxgates tend to have large Barkhausen jumps that appear as a dc jump in the fluxgate output. This phenomenon deteriorates the signal fidelity and effectively increases the internal sensor noise. Even if sensors that are more prone to dc jumps can be screened out during production, the conventional noise measurement does not always catch the dc jumps because of their sparsity. Moreover, dc jumps persist in almost all the sensor cores although at a slower but still intolerable rate. Even if dc jumps could be easily setected in a shielded environment, when deployed in the presence of natural noise and clutter, it can be hard to positively detect ...

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