Item Infomation

Title: Chemistry: The molecular nature of matter and change: Bài giảng môn học General Chemistry II
Authors: Bộ môn Kỹ thuật hoá học
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Trường Đại học Thuỷ lợi
Abstract: This lecturenote include these chapters: Chapter 1: Keys to the Study of Chemistry; Chapter 2: Lecture Outlines; Chapter 3: Lecture Outlines; Chapter 4: Three Major Types of Chemical Reactions; Chapter 5: Gases and the Kinetic-Molecular Theory; Chapter 6: Thermochemistry: Energy Flow and Chemical Change; Chapter 7: Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure; Chapter 8: Electron Configuration and Chemical Periodicity; Chapter 9: Models of Chemical Bonding; Chapter 10: The Shapes of Molecules; Chapter 11: Theories of Covalent Bonding.
Appears in Collections:BG - Kỹ thuật Hóa - Môi trường -Công nghệ sinh học




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