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  • Authors: Kiese, R.;  Advisor: -;  Participants: Fersch, B.; Baessler, C.; Brosy, C.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Chwala, C. (2018)

  • The setup of the German Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO) Pre‐Alpine Observatory was motivated by the fact that mountain areas, such as the pre‐alpine region in southern Germany, have been exposed to more intense warming compared with the global average trend and to higher frequencies of extreme hydrological events, such as droughts and intense rainfall. Scientific research questions in the TERENO Pre‐Alpine Observatory focus on improved process understanding and closing of combined energy, water, C, and N cycles at site to regional scales. The main long‐term objectives of the TERENO Pre‐Alpine Observatory include the characterization and quantification of climate chang...