Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Relation between laboratory cantilever bending test and finite element analysis of five different nickel-titanium rotary instruments
Tác giả: Ismail, Amira Galal
Người tham gia: Galal, Manar
Zaazou, Mohamed H.
Hamd, Tamer M.
Hamd, Tamer M.
Abdelraouf, Rasha M.
Năm xuất bản : 2020
Số tùng thư/báo cáo: Bulletin of the National Research Centre, Volume 44 (2020), Article number: 140
Tóm tắt : Flexibility during bending is a critical feature that influences the performance and safety of endodontic nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Flexibility of the endodontic files could be assessed via laboratory test or indicated theoretically by finite element analysis (FEA). The aim of the study is to determine the cantilever load required for bending five different nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments (laboratory test) and to calculate maximum von Mises stresses due to bending moment and vertical displacement (deflection) (theoretically by FEA) and compare both results.
Nguồn trực tuyến:
ISSN : 2522-8307
Trong bộ sưu tập: Tài liệu mở




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