Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Palm oil extracts protected against cadmium chloride poisoning via inhibition of oxidative stress in rats
Tác giả: Ichipi-Ifukor, Patrick Chukwuyenum
Người tham gia: Asagba, Samuel Ogheneovo
Mordi, Joseph Chukwufumnanya
Nwose, Chibueze
Oyem, John Chukwuma
Năm xuất bản : 2022
Số tùng thư/báo cáo: Bulletin of the National Research Centre, Volume 46 (2021), Article number: 5
Tóm tắt : Oxidative stress and antioxidant status (malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione) were assessed in tissues (liver, kidney, heart, brain, muscle) and serum. Oxidative stress indicators showed a significantly (p < 0.05) increased lipid peroxidation and alterations in antioxidant defence systems occasioned by drop in catalase and superoxide dismutase enzymes (serum, liver, heart, brain and kidneys) of the rats. Also observed were significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the non-enzymatic antioxidant reduced glutathione over time. Pre-administration of rats with the crude palm oil and its extracts modulated cadmium mediated depletion of the antioxidant capacities of rats acutely exposed to cadmium and rising lipid peroxidation profile.
Nguồn trực tuyến:
ISSN : 2522-8307
Trong bộ sưu tập: Tài liệu mở




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