Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Combined impacts of future land-use and climate stressors on water resources and quality in groundwater and surface waterbodies of the upper Thames river basin, UK
Tác giả: Hutchins, M.G.
Hutchins, M.G.
Năm xuất bản : 2018
Trích dẫn : Science of The Total Environment VolumesVol.631–632, 1 (Aug.2018), pp. 962-986
Tóm tắt : Changes to river flows, water temperature, river and reservoir quality were predicted under three contrasting future “storylines”; one an extension of present day rates of economic development, the others representing more extreme and less sustainable visions. Modelling revealed that lower baseflow conditions will arise under all storylines. For the less extreme storyline river water quality is likely to deteriorate but reservoir quality will improve slightly. The two more extreme futures could not be supported by current management strategies to meet water demand. To satisfy these scenarios, transfer of river water from outside the Thames river basin would be necessary. Consequently, some improvement over present day water quality in the river may be seen, and for most indicators conditions would be better than in the less extreme storyline. However, because phosphorus concentrations will rise, the invoked changes in water demand management would not be of a form suitable to prevent a marked deterioration in reservoir water quality.
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