Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Utility of an automated thermal - based approach for monitoring evapotranspiration
Tác giả: Timmermans, Wim J.
Năm xuất bản : 2015
Trích dẫn : In: Acta Geophysica(2015) IN PRESS, 38 p.
Tóm tắt : A very simple remote sensing-based model for water use monitoring is presented. The model acronym DATTUTDUT (Deriving Atmosphere Turbulent Transport Useful To Dummies Using Temperature) is a Dutch word which loosely translates as “it’s unbelievable that it works”. DATTUTDUT is fully automated and only requires a surface temperature map, making it simple to use and providing a rapid estimate of spatially- distributed fluxes. The algorithm is first tested over a range of environmental and land-cover conditions using data from four short-term field experiments and then evaluated over a growing season in an agricultural region. Flux model output is in satisfactory agreement with observations and established remote sensing-based models, except under dry and partial canopy cover conditions. This suggests that DATTUTDUT has utility in identifying relative water use and as an operational tool providing initial estimates of ET anomalies in data-poor regions that would be confirmed using more robust modeling techniques.
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