Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Water resources conservation and nitrogen pollution reduction under global food trade and agricultural intensification
Tác giả: Liu, J.
Liu, W.
Năm xuất bản : 2018
Trích dẫn : Science of the Total EnvironmentVol.633, (Aug. 2018), pp. 1591-1601
Tóm tắt : Here we performed a global-scale assessment of impacts of international food trade on blue water use, total water use, and nitrogen (N) inputs and on N losses in maize, rice, and wheat production. Results show that food exports generally occurred from regions with lower water and N use intensities, defined here as water and N uses in relation to crop yields, to regions with higher resources use intensities. The study provides useful information to understand the implications of agricultural intensification for international crop trade, crop water use and N pollution patterns in the world.
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