Item Infomation

Title: Sand barrier dynamics by waves and currents
Authors: Vu, Thi Thu Thuy
Participants: Nielsen, P.
Nghiem, Tien Lam
Kuma, S.J.
Issue Date: 2012
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in developing countries -PIANC-COPEDEC VIII 2012, Chennai, India, pp.558-569
Abstract: Laboratory measurements of sand barrier dynamics are presented in terms of sediment transport or morphology changes through (i) wave only and (ii) combined wave and current cases. The trend in sediment transport direction can be seen clearly for case 1. In contrast, the direction of sediment transport in case 2 is not clear except for the combination of wave and following current Q=25l/s, where the sediment transport direction is in the direction of wave and current. Results show that none of the models are suitable for this experiment, although the Ribberink and Al-Salem (1994) formula gives least error.
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