Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : The role of land records in support of post-conflict state buildingThe case of Rwanda
Tác giả: Todorovski D.
Người tham gia: Manirakiza J.G.
Zevenbergen J.
Boerboom L.
Năm xuất bản : 2018
Nhà xuất bản : null
Trích dẫn : In FIG Congress 2018: Embracing our smart world where the continents connect: enhancing the geospatial maturity of societies
Tóm tắt : Based on a case study conducted in Rwanda, firstly the type, the format and the status of land records are discovered, and then those are related with the process of post-conflict state building. This relation is explored in depth in order to determine and describe the role of land records in support of post-conflict state building. Here specific attention is paid to the role that land records have in land dispute resolution in such contexts. Findings from this paper shows that a strong relation exists and that land records play a positive role in support of the postconflict state building.
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