Item Infomation

Title: Towards an Understanding of Rich Picture Interpretation
Authors: Bell, Simon
Participants: Berg, Tessa
Morse, Steve
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Springer Nature
Series/Report no.: Systemic Practice and Action Research, December 2019, Volume 32, Issue 6, pp 601–614
Abstract: This paper considers the value of the Rich Picture (RP) as a means to capture data from multiple groups exploring a question, problem or issue. RPs emerge from group work by unravelling and integrating understandings, but to date there have been no attempts to consider ways in which the RPs from different groups analysing the same question can be, or indeed should be, objectively compared. The aim of this paper is to investigate the maximum learning potential from the RP, and we develop and use a form of Content Analysis (CA) called Eductive Interpretation (EI) specifically for RPs. The paper illustrates the process of EI by drawing upon a series of RPs created by groups in the Lebanon. The groups were all working on issues involved in coastal zone management, and the resulting analysis presents some of the insights that were gained. The paper finally discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of EIapplied to RPs.
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