Item Infomation

Title: A data-driven hierarchical MILP approach for scheduling clinical pathways: a real-world case study from a German university hospital
Authors: Schwarz, Karsten
Participants: Ro ¨ mer, Michael
Mellouli, Taı ¨ eb
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Springer Nature
Series/Report no.: Business Research, December 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp 597–636
Abstract: Facing economic pressure and case-based compensation systems, hospitals strive for effectively planning patient hospitalization and making efficient use of their resources. To support this endeavor, this paper proposes a flexible hierarchical mixed-integer linear programming (MILP)-based approach for the day-level scheduling of clinical pathways (CP). CP form sequences of ward stays and treatments to be performed during a patient’s hospitalization under consideration of all relevant resources such as beds, operating rooms and clinical staff. Since in most hospitals CP-related information needed for planning is not readily available, we propose a data-driven approach in which the structure of the CP to be scheduled including all CP-related constraints is automatically extracted from standardized hospital billing data available in every German hospital. The approach uses a flexible multi-criteria objective function considering several patient- and hospitalrelated aspects which makes our approach applicable in various scenarios.
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